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Early Childhood Screening

Early childhood years beginning at birth to the start of Kindergarten are a time of rapid growth, learning, and development. An Early Childhood Screening is a simple check to promote healthy development, to identify children who may need further evaluation and to connect families to resources in the community. 

Screening children between 3 and 4 can assist in detecting possible health or learning concerns, so that children receive help before starting Kindergarten. We strongly encourage parents to screen at age 3 (the ideal age for screening is 3 ½).

Screenings can be scheduled online or by calling our office at 763-691-6691.

Schedule a Screening


A parent or guardian may choose to conscientiously object by submitting a statement to the Early Childhood office. If a parent is a conscientious objector or does not want the screening for their child, they may give the district a signed statement and the child does not need to complete the screening. View Minnesota Statutes, section 121A.16-19 and Minnesota Rules, part 3530.3000-4310 for more information.


What is Early Childhood Screening?

Early Childhood Screening is a FREE and simple check of how your child is growing, developing, and learning. At your child's screening a trained professional will check the following:

  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Height/weight
  • Immunization review
  • Large and small muscle development
  • Cognitive, language, and communication skills
  • Social and emotional development


When are screening appointments available?

An average appointment lasts from 45 - 60 minutes. Our appointments are typically scheduled on Wednesdays. After the screening you will receive a copy of the summary.

Screenings can be scheduled online or by calling our office at 763-691-6691.
